What does it mean?
We all behave don't we? Of course we do - behaviour can be defined as the way a person behaves or functions in a particular situation or in response to stimulus. The stimuli can be internal or external.
What is Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)
Every minute of every day we all have behaviours and we all show behaviours. Some we like - and some we don't always like. Positive Behaviour Support is an approach that helps a person strengthen their positive behaviours and reduce reliance on behaviours that they don't like or cause them harm. In addition it focuses on developing strengths, new skills and behaviours that support greater autonomy and independence.
PBS is about building trust, building relationships, developing strengths, new skills and behaviours that safely gain or avoid for the person.
When can Positive Behaviour Support be very effective?
A significant number of people with autism or a learning disability are at risk of losing independence or community presence. Sometimes as a result of behaviours they rely upon to manage their world - behaviours which may harm themselves, others or simply act to prevent them engaging successfully with the world around them. Behaviours that with the right support can change. As an underpinning approach PBS can be a valuable tool in changing this.
We all get stuck in a behavioural 'loop' at times - PBS alongside Cognitive and other therapies can help us move forward. Importantly PBS helps people strengthen personal identity and improves confidence.
Enhance was established to provide inclusive, innovative, and responsive care and support for people with autism or a learning disability in their own home. An inclusive model of support in which all people have the right to the same opportunities to live within their community, be able to develop and maintain relationships and get the support they need to live a healthy, safe and fulfilling life. Our use of PBS is an important building block that supports this approach.
Specialist Behavioural Support
Support can include an agreed number of hours from PBS practitioners, Board Certified behaviour analyst's or clinical support from a Clinical Psychologist.
Tired of the same old approach?
Find out a little more about how we think a little differently about autism and I!
Interested in our values? Find out why we pay the Real Living Wage, and our social commitments that underpin our care
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